Karen Thomas Mind Coach
Therapies I Use
The therapies I use are based on Hypnosis and Havening to help with:
- Increase Self Esteem
- Manage Anger
- Stop Smoking
- Get Freedom from drugs
- Improve Sport Performance
- Overcome Trauma
- Obsession Disorders
- Find Meaning
- Break Through Depression
- Build Confidence
- Overcome Anxiety
- Reduce Stress
Havening is a powerful yet gentle technique that has been developed to create a ‘safe’ haven in a therapeutic setting to help release an encoded traumatic memory or a deep rooted emotion safely and quickly.

The brain is made up of the conscious and subconscious mind. Hypnotherapy works on the subconscious mind where you will feel relaxed and calm and ready to bring about the positive changes in your life.

People believe that change is very difficult to achieve, but change can be brought about very easily and quickly all it takes is the desire to do it. How-ever it’s maintaining the lasting changes that takes more time and practice.

Havening is a term used to create a ‘safe’ haven in a therapeutic setting to help release an encoded traumatic memory or a deep rooted emotion safely and quickly.
Dr Ronald Ruden Creator of The Havening Techniques™
“When an event or experience is perceived as traumatic, inescapable or very stressful, it becomes immutably encoded, often with life-altering consequences.
However, recent research from the field of Neuroscience has shown us how it’s possible to modify this encoding.
The Havening Techniques™ are methods which are designed to change the brain to de-traumatize the memory and permanently remove its negative effects from both our psyche and body.”
Paul McKenna and Doug O'Brien on Havening
Doug talks with Hypnotist/author/television personality Paul McKenna about the Havening Techniques®, what was his role in the creation of Havening and WHY therapists – particularly Hypnotherapists – should learn them.
The Havening Techniques
Havening is a powerful yet gentle technique that has been developed by Dr Ron Ruden a medical doctor and neuroscientist based in the US.
His research along with his brother Dr Steven Ruden have discovered that traumatic events are encoded in the brain differently to normal memory so that iit can cause a person to become phobic or to feel anxious, stressed, depressed, feelings of sadness or anger, shame or guilt sometimes without the person knowing what the underlying issues are.
Recent research suggests that addiction or mental health issues are the manifestation of trauma.
Paul McKenna demonstrates "havening" technique for anxiety
Hypnotist Paul McKenna teaches us the simple yet effective trick he uses on Hollywood stars to help them with their anxiety.
Album on the Way - Justin Bieber: Seasons
Justin faces one of his biggest tests to date: getting back into performance mode in order to shoot the music video for “”Yummy.”” With the cameras on and everyone counting on him, Justin must rely on the tools that have helped him grow and change in recent years, attempting to overcome the anxiety that has derailed him in the past.
What is Trauma?
Trauma can be difficult to define as it can mean different things to different people. Individual trauma is a result from an event or a series of events or certain circumstances experienced by an individual as emotionally harmful or life threatening which can effect a person’s functioning and wellbeing.
It is not the event that creates a trauma but how a person perceives or experiences the event. Trauma can vary in degree and can be anything from childhood experiences of neglect, loss of a parent, bereavement, divorce, physical & sexual abuse, relationship break ups, bullying, low self-esteem, growing up in an environment where feelings are encouraged to be buried, an accident or near-death experience.
Hypnotherapy works on the subconscious mind where you will feel relaxed and calm and ready to bring about the positive changes in your life.
What is Hypnotherapy?
There are many myths surrounding hypnotherapy due to the way that stage hypnosis is portrayed through the media and using language, such as ‘going under’, ‘being out of control’, the perception of being manipulated to do things you don’t want to do.
The reality is that hypnosis was pioneered by medical doctors and physicians and when used positively can be an effective tool to combat anxiety, depression and help overcome phobias.
They learned that relaxing patients into an altered state of mind or trance heightened focus and concentration showing an increased response to suggestion, whilst blocking out sources of distraction.
This in turn helped people heal, deal with pain, anxiety in a positive way. Hypnosis is natural in many ways as we all go into a ‘trance’ state on occasions when driving, reading, listening to music – ever forget driving down that part of the motorway or carriageway? We can drift off in lectures, meetings, just walking without realising that our sub conscious mind has taken over.
Neuro Linguistic Programming
Most people believe that change is not possible or very difficult to achieve. I’m here to tell you differently.
About Neuro Linguistic Programming
Change can be brought about very easily and quickly…all it takes is the desire to do it. How-ever it’s maintaining the lasting changes that takes more time and practice.
Neurolinguistic programming is a technique based on neuroscience and language patterns that work with our brains to create positive changes. Focusing on what you want your outcome to be is key to bringing about what your life will become. NLP uses visualisation techniques to help us to work together in the same way that athletes work with their coaches to become champions in sport.
This is a practical and empowering tool that will help you to create the changes you desire. I use advanced techniques that work with both the conscious and unconscious mind.
You will never do anything you don’t want to do and if you do not want to talk about painful experiences then you won’t have to – changes can still be altered and maintained.
You will gain an insight into how your brain works and how you can make positive changes happen, so be ready to enjoy the journey!
NLP to help overcome unwanted habits
Most people think they are powerless to change but the reality is that you have all the power… you just don’t realise it yet. If you really want to stop unwanted habits and have the will to change, then NLP will help transform what is already within you, to let go of unwanted habits and to be what you want to be.
NLP is remarkable in that it helps create new neural pathways to enable positive change and helps to weaken old ones that have kept you in those bad habits for so long.
My objective is to guide you through these changes using an interactive blend of therapies that work collectively, including neurolinguistic programming techniques, psychotherapy and hypnotherapy.
These coaching techniques can help a wide range of issues so please get in touch if there is anything you would like to change or get rid of.